The Troika series includes the “Lara” dessert bowl and six serving bowls designed by Eero Rislakki for Mäntyharjun Lasi. The bowls are crystal and have a lead content of 24%. Mäntyharjun Lasi Oy operated in 1968-72 and after that its brand North Crystal was sold to Riihimäen Lasi Oy. Production of the Troika series continued for some time in Riihimäen Lasi after that.
Large bowl:
Height: 7 cm, 2,75”
Diameter: 20 cm, 7,87”
Weight: 1934 g
Small bowls:
Height: 4,5 cm, 1,77”
Diameter: 10 cm, 3,93”
Weight: 305 g
Condition classification: Excellent